Monday, February 27, 2012

Pediatric research: The power of one...and a half

It never fails...

One person deciding to take action becomes a driver for a whole community.

Last Friday, PHA board member Steve Van Wormer e-mailed us a public service announcement he had made to support the pediatric research and mentoring that has become an important target for PHA.   We were all very pleased by the the great quality of what he put together...and especially the voice work of Steve's 9 year old son, Lucas.

When we receive a new tool for the community, we always put together a marketing plan to make sure that it is used for the most benefit. 

This time was a little different...

Steve and Lucas' work so obviously filled a need that the small number of people who received it began to move immediately.  It's already being embedded on Facebook pages and pushed out in other ways. 

At its conclusion, it links to the Robyn Barst Pediatric Research and Mentoring Fund which is close to its target for beginning operations.  That Fund page includes information and videos from doctors and parents talking about the importance of pediatric research and creating a body of physicians mentored to capably treat children with PH.

Little more than twenty years ago, PH began to develop as a research and clinical focus.  Now, we are beginning to see - and help drive - that growth among physicians working with children.  While broad PH research remains of critical importance and of benefit to all, pediatric PH research and developing knowledge and understanding of appropriate treatment of children with PH is coming into its time.

What people like Steve and his son, Lucas, are doing in support of the doctors who are building the pediatric field is making that time come faster.  It's a great partnership.

We encourage you to help further circulate the video at the top of this blog.  You can find it here.  Please click on "Like" and you'll be asked if you want it placed on your facebook page...please do. 

Right now, we're working on making e-mails available with an image of the video in them.  I'll update this blog when those are ready

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